mercoledì 18 febbraio 2009

Pedegree of Desposyni

Husband/Partner: Ban (Bors) le BENOIC
Child: Bors
Possible Child: Lancelot (Knight) du LAC
_______ _______ _______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ ___ ___
/ -- Nascien II of SEPTIMANIA + ====> [ 149 ,,b,&]
| | or: poss. Laziliez, q.v.
/ | OR: Gunderic (King) of BURGUNDY + ====> [ 143 ,,x,&]
/ -- Zambor
| \ | (skip this generation?)
| \ -- poss. Caratene of the SUEVIA + ====> [ 73 ,,y]
/ | OR: prob. not daughter of Pharamond + ====> [ 144 ,,b,&]
/ -- Lambord (Lambor)
/ | or: Gwreang of LLANFAIR CAEREINION
/ -- Taliesin the Bard (? - 540?)
/ | OR: prob. not Merlin Ambrosius + ====> [ 140 ,,BD,&]
- Viviane (II; Queen) del ACQS
\ / -- Faramund (of the Grail Myth) + ====> [ 137 ,,b,&]
| / -- Frotmund
| / \ -- poss. Argotta of the SALIC FRANKS + ====> [ 145 ,,b,&]
| / -- poss. Comets de TOULOUSE
\ -- poss. Vivianne (Viviane I) del ACQS -Avril de Niphi Nero(Staufer Friius de N.N)(Queen) of AVALLON
| OR: poss. source: Mnemosyne the TITAN + ====> [ 9]

Her (poss.) Grandchildren: Lionel ; Galahad `the Pure' (Knight; Keeper of the Grail)
Her (poss.) 5-Great Grandchild: Flotharius (Flothair)

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